Les ran a Combat Patrol(TM) game last weekend at the Southern Front convention. The tables looks great. Les said it was the first time he’d run the game at a convention, and that it went very well. Many of the folks in the pictures have played in my Combat Patrol(TM) games in the past, so apparently they weren’t too traumatized. 🙂
My forces try to hold off Chris while Greg takes his sweet time turning Chris’ flank.
My daughter and CINC Domicile (my wife) our away this weekend on a girl road trip, so I have had the house to myself. I started with the HAWKs club night on Friday where Chris and I ran a Feudal Patrol(TM) game while Eric ran a play test of his Fall In Napoleonic game. The Feudal Patrol game went pretty well, but I’ll be making another couple of changes to the Action Deck cards and the unit record sheets as a result.
Then Saturday morning a couple of us continues with another play test of the rules I am developing for a miniatures company but cannot discuss. We are using ersatz figures for these play tests to disguise the project for the time being.
Using ersatz figures has given me a chance to put some troops on the table that haven’t seen battle in a few years, including my Rooman warriors. (There is some rumor that there may be more Roomans in production soon.)
The play test went well. I think the basic mechanics are flowing well. Now I have to bolt on some chrome to give it more period flavor.
Winston Churchill and his body guard.
I also had a chance on Sunday to do a little painting. I purchased this iconic figure of Winston Churchill with tommy gun some months ago, and I finally got around to painting it after looking on the Internet to learn that the suit was pinstriped.
At the same time I ordered Churchill, I also ordered Hitler and his bodyguard. Look for a Combat Patrol(TM) game that is The Eagle Has Landed and The Eagle Has Landed in the Other Direction soon.
Bad Squiddo slingers.
I also painted some peasant ladies with slings and stones that I will work into my Viking games — when I start to run Viking games. Greg has volunteered to write the Viking supplement for Feudal Patrol(TM), so watch for those announcements. (By they way, my intent is turn Feudal Patrol(TM) over to the publisher in December, with an eye toward Cold Wars and Salute release.)
Bad Squiddo peasant ladies with improvised weapons and a vignette they call “My Heroine.”
Ever since I saw these figures in an announcement on TMP, I knew they were calling to me. While my paint job is not as good as the ones on the package I think they turned out respectably. Watch for these in a Feudal Patrol game soon. I have been running Sea Lion games with the Bad Squiddo British ladies with similarly improvised weapons and the Land Girls. My plan is to represent the same town as a dark ages costal village and run similar scenarios with Viking Raids instead of German Fifth Columnists. Hopefully I’ll be ready by Cold Wars, but I am short Vikings and longboats.
What’s on the painting table now? Some Border Reivers that Zeb picked up for me at Salute this year and a US WWII .50 cal. machine-gun crew. Then I think some Hydra Valkyrie riding some odd creatures. I have painted everything I purchased at Historicon plus a bunch, so I am still trending in the right direction with my lead pile.
I was gone most of the weekend, but my daughter helped finish these jousting barriers while I was gone.
I got a copy of the jousting rules used by Brian De Witt to run his jousting game in the HAWKs Battle in a Box contest. I finished printing and cutting up the cards and lining out the board (not used in these pictures). I plan to bring this game to Barrage in case we have an overflow of people.
This was a rare weekend at home in which I was able to play games AND paint figures. Given the amount of travel I have had to do for work, it was fun to focus a fair amount of the weekend to my hobby. I have had a pack of figures from Eureka that are Italian Renaissance duelists and assorted bystanders. I like the figures, but frankly, the sheer riot of color for the Italian Renaissance had me continue to push this project deeper and deeper into the queue. I didn’t want to start this project and then have it languish on the painting table for weeks or months.
The figures had enough relief on them that they were easy to paint.
These were fun to paint, because I was completely unconstrained on which colors I could use.
I will use these with Blood and Swash. It will essentially be the same as my pirate tavern games, but with different figures.
I was involved with the Albedo Miniatures Kickstarter. I adapted Combat Patrol for the Albedo universe. I also bought into the Kickstarter to get some of the figures and vehicles. The figures are really nice and will work by themselves or mixed in with other science fiction figures and games. I am working short days this week, so yesterday afternoon I painted two vehicles and an aircraft that I had prepped and partially assembled two days ago.
An Albedo fire support vehicle and APC
The fires support vehicle comes with a more traditional gun, but somehow during prep, I accidentally threw out the barrel, and it was trash day, so by the time I realized it, my barrel was on the way to the landfill. So, I replaced it with a “Tesla gun” from Company B miniatures. I am going to have to order another couple of packs of those barrels. They have come in hand recently.
I really like this aircraft. In fact, I have ordered two more of the kit with more optional variants. I had a little trouble figuring out how to attach all the various weapons, and had to refer to pictures online, but I love this kit! I plan to use this both for Albedo and for other science fiction games.
At Historicon I purchased a giant gorilla from Eureka Miniatures. Two weeks ago, when I opened up the packaging, I discovered that the gorilla’s left arm was missing. Rob put one in the mail right away, and it arrived before I returned from my long business trip. So, I painted it while I was painting my Hawaiians.
Eureka giant gorilla and giant crab from Reaper Bones MCMDLXMI (or whatever they are up to)
Several years ago, Eureka Miniatures had a line of Polynesian (Hawaiian) figures. I have been kicking myself for years for not ordering them, because they went out of production. Recently a new line came into production, and I ordered two sets of them. (I also ordered four canoes [which are still out of production], but that is for another post.) Having returned from ten days on the road and a lot of long days for work recently, I decide that I would knock these out.
Hawaiians vs. Captain Cooke’s men
We returned from a recent vacation in Hawaii, and I was in the mood. I REALLY like these figures. My plan is to run a small skirmish game involving angry Hawaiian’s and Captain Cooke’s men during his second landing on Hawaii, when he was killed. As can be send in the picture (above), my plan is to use my Old Glory French and Indian War British for Captain Cooke’s troops.
Hawaiian spearmen face British soldiers
They are very nice figures, with nearly no filing needed. I like the way they turned out. Being predominantly skin, after base spraying them brown and hitting them with Agrax Earthshade, they were nearly complete. I just had to paint in the details.
Polynesians fighting each other
I know the popular myth is that the natives were happy and peaceful until Europeans arrived — whether we are talking about North America, Hawaii, or South America. The truth is that these were violent cultures at war with each other for dominance. (I highly recommend Mayflower, if you haven’t read it, and the truth about King Philip’s War.) On the plane to Hawaii, my wife read some stories to me about ancient Hawaii, and the violence and barbarity is amazing. The infighting didn’t really stop until, armed with European-provided muskets and gunpowder, King Kamehameha, conquered the islands under threat of extermination for those who didn’t pledge allegiance to him. So, I think it is also fair to have a skirmish game in which Polynesians are fighting each other.
I don’t know when they will get on the table, but they are painted, boxed, and ready for action.
An armored rider on an armored mount — very historical.
I was gone for work the past two weekends. in fact by the time I returned on Sunday night, I had already worked over 80 hours this two week pay period — and still had five days left. I did manage, two weeks ago, however, to get a few things painted. I had the Conquistador figure (above) painted for quite some time, but I was looking for just the right mount. I found this spiky turtle creature in a bin at Historicon last month, and it called to me.
Several weeks ago, I scored some old Archive space dwarves on Ebay, and I had a chance to paint them up.
Space Dwarf Pirates from Archive MiniaturesMore space dwarves from Archive
I had piggy backed on an order by Chris for Reaper Bones MCMDXLII for some snake men, a giant alligator, and a few other odds and end. I managed to paint the alligator before disappearing for ten days.
Reaper Bones alligator
Finally, many months ago, when I ordered some Warlord bren carriers to get the crews (see previous post on this topic), they came with a kit to make some smoke markers. Mark’s recent post about making smoke markers for What a Tanker reminded me that I had this in the to-do box. While watching on TV with CINC domicile, I put them together.