Five figures from Pulp Figures’ Dangerous Dames Kickstarter.
This weekend I ran a social-distancing Wars of Ozz game to celebrate the launch of our Kickstarter. That chewed up most of Saturday between setup, executing the game, and then cleaning up. Saturday afternoon I worked off some items the honey-do list. I did have time to get some painting done, however.
Undead ducks from Star Hat Miniatures.Two duck wizards from Star Hat Miniatures.
Some months ago, I bought some Flintstone happy meal toys in flea market form Chris Palmer. My original intent was to use them to make a miniature golf course for my town of Granville I use in my pulp games. I saw a post on the Internet of someone who had repainted these buildings to replace the ice cream colors to stone colors. Since the Winkies live in caves in the Wars of Ozz rules, I decided to repaint them to be a village in Wars of Ozz games.
Two of the five buildings. I didn’t quite cover up the bowling ball and bowling pin on the building on the left. I might still do more to find those later.Two more buildings. I really like the one on the right.I plan to make some kind of Winkie totem to put something in the obvious empty spot.
I actually finished these on Monday, but I have been too busy to post anything this week about the hobby. Here are some figures that I painted that were part of the Star Hat Miniatures duck Kickstarter.
Two turtles warriors.Two more turtles. These will make nice enemies for the ducks — but the ducks will win. Quack!The left side view of the rhinoceros. I sort of wish he was on roller skates.The right side view.
The queen of the unicorns.
Another view.
I am working on a few more odds and ends, like some Bad Squiddo WWII children and some Pulp Figures “Dangerous Dames.”
A few weeks ago Badger Games sent me some figures that I don’t think have been released yet. They referred to them as “heavies.” I think these are meant to be opponents for the Drantakh troops. They sent to packs of snipers. I really like the figures. This weekend I knocked out the eight figures they sent me, and I am pretty happy with the results.
Sniper teams
In the process of painting them, I mixed up the two four-figure packs, so sorry these may not correspond to how they will be released. They look a little like the Gorn in Star Trek.
A closer view of two snipers.
Until there is are more figures in this range, I intend to use them as Drantakh auxiliaries in my science fiction Combat Patrol(TM) games.
The figures have great relief that lends itself to contrast paints or dry brushing. I used both techniques on these figures.
I like the spotter with the scope.One last shot of the snipers.For scale, here is a Gorn-like sniper with two Drantakh infantry.
I am sure these have a better name than “Gorn-like” infantry, but I don’t know what it is. Check out Badger’s Web site in general and these figures in particular. Service from Badger has always been first rate.
I have completed the remainder of the figures I purchased in the Women of WWII Kickstarter. These included more “Land Girls,” “Lumber Jills,” and air crew.
The Sarrisca Precision tractor with the driver (new).I really like the rat catcher!Mmmmm. Bacon!A party of “Lumber Jills” workingSome aircrew figuresI finished these figures a couple of days ago, but finished the spotting device today.
The Germans are in for a fight the next time they attack Little Basely by the Sea in one of my Combat Patrol(TM) Sea Lion games.
I bought into the Bad SquiddoWomen of WWII Kickstarter. The figures arrived a few weeks ago, and I immediately filed, based, and primed them. Last weekend I started with the broad dry brushing. Over the week, I finished them up, and tonight I added some foliage to the bases. I really like these figures, and they will make nice additions to my Sealion games.
A unit of armed women ready to defend the town of Little Basely by the Sea.Sending up a weather balloon.Signalers.Military dispatch riders.Handing over the orders.Operating a searchlight so the ack ack can shoot down the Hun.Performing maintenance on machine-guns for aircraft.Enjoying a short respite.
I also painted five figures from the Pulp FiguresDangerous Dames Kickstarter. This set was the oriental women.
“I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.” This was a small toy from Disney World that is in the right scale for gaming.
Now, I will work on some additional Women’s Land Army “Land Girls” the remainder of the week and weekend. Stay tuned…
The weekend started with a play test of Dave Wood’s scenario that will be part of his Roman supplement for Feudal Patrol(TM). The scenario involved groups of Romans attempting to escape after their defeat in the Tutebourg Forest. Other groups had previously escaped, but those in this scenario were straggles. The Germans were defending some fortifications made of logs and foliage.
A picture from an Osprey book of the German defenses.
Most of the players were in Maryland, and none of them were in the same room. Zeb, Chris, Dave, and Greg were Romans and auxiliaries. Duncan and I were the Germans.
A long shot of the table as set up in my gaming room. You can see that previous groups of Romans had left behind some ladders that the Roman straggles would try to use.
As with previous virtual meetings, we facilitated this game using Zoom. I typically provided two camera views. One is from my laptop, and the other is from my phone. This time, I placed the phone on a tripod on a table to get a good overhead view.
The overhead view camera from Chris’ laptop via Zoom. Some of the player were having trouble seeing over the high hedges, so I replaced them with less accurate stone walls to facilitate play.
At the end of turn two, I told Duncan I thought he and I were going to be overwhelmed. A few turns later, after a spirited defense of the gate and the inability of the Romans to get over the hedges in force, the Germans were declared the victors. It was a hard-won victory, and I think everyone enjoyed the game.
After the game, my wife decided that I wanted to take her and my daughter to have dinner at Disney Springs. We had a good sea food meal, but between the drizzle and the requirement to wear a mask everywhere, even outdoors, it was a less than normally enjoyable experience.
Sunday after church I had a chance to do a little more painting and finish up some figures I had started earlier in the week.
Decapod from Antediluvian Miniatures and female adventurer from Star Hat Miniatures.Crows from Star Hat Miniatures, the avowed enemies of my duck forces.
An obnoxious but lovable alien.
The feared Were Rooster of Romney Marsh. (Star Hat)
The fungus among us: feared mushroom men (Star Hat).
I got a start on a bunch of WWII women from Bad Squiddo. Most are in khaki uniforms, so I am assembly line painting them. I plan to finish them little-by-little this week and next weekend.
At Cold Wars 2020 Old Glory was handing out a pack of figures that included three Marines and two animals. This vignette is based on a true story about a patrol that was warned of a Japanese ambush. I rushed to the dealer hall to make sure I could get a set. I painted them this week. I couldn’t remember my US Marine “recipe,” so they turned out a little more tan than green, but uniforms fade like crazy in the hot sun.Sally 4th television and movie characters. These are detectives. My favorite is Miss Marple from the Margaret Rutherford 1970s movies.
A Star Hat Miniatures duck. I painted this at the same time as the Marines and used the same paint scheme. Most of the Star Hat figures are fantasy, but in the recent Kickstarter there was this one “modern” duck. I think I’ll put him with my other science fiction ducks.
Much of Saturday was consumed by a four-player, Zoom-based, virtual play test of Wars of Ozz in the afternoon. The game went well, but Dave’s Munchkins were badly mauled by Chris’ Winkies in the most lopsided outcome we’ve seen with these rules. It was a combination of Dave not realizing that he should try to avoid Melee with Winkies and Dave’s dismal die rolling of Biblical proportions. On the other flank, Zeb and Greg had a very even match between their Gillikins and Quadlings.
A view of the table in Florida from Chris’ screen in Maryland.
After the game, my wife decided that I wanted to take her out to dinner :), so that consumed the rest of the evening. We’ve become big fans of Bonefish Grill. The service is always excellent, and the food is good.
Sunday I had a chance to paint some. Late last week, I had pulled three Eureka Miniatures French Revolution vignettes out of the project box to the painting table. I don’t know if they will ever find their way into a game, but they were fun to paint.
French cantiniere.Another view. Painting all the tiny separate bits to go in the wagon took much of the day.Bread makers. I like the woman kneading the dough with her feet.Another view.A final view.
The next set were some workers. I am not sure what the women with the sacks are supposed to be doing, but I like the guy sharpening a sword on the big stone.
And then I found this guard post. I have no idea where it came from or why I purchased it, since I already had one, but it was an easy project.
And finally, I painted the last three Marshall Ney figures.
In addition, Saturday morning, I filed and based a much of recently arrived duck figures, some of the Bad Squiddo women of WWII Kickstarter figures, and some figures I received from Badger Games. Look for pictures soon.