A few months ago we were playing a GASLIGHT fantasy game, run by Dave Wood. He had some tremendous figures that we all coveted. They were orcs riding on dinosaur-looking creatures. Dave had the stock number from an old Ral Partha catalog on the bottom of the bases. We found that Iron Wind has all the old Ral Partha molds. After a little work and a little luck, Jim Fox, the current owner of the molds, agreed to make a bunch of Death Jaws for us. Most of us didn’t want the orcs. I wanted mine for VSF games. Anyway, Iron Wind made a bunch of them for us, and we were able to get our hands on a bunch of them at Historicon this Summer.

The figure came in five pieces: central body, left body, right body, a bag of stuff, and the reins. The bits went together, but green putty was needed to fill in some gaps.

Below is a picture of a Death Jaw after the first coat of paint.

They look even better after the second coat of dry brushing.
I plan to use them in a Mars or desert-based Victorian science fiction game, so I wanted them to have an orange hue to them.

The Death Jaws have skulls hanging from the back of the beast. While they looked okay with orcs riding them, I didn’t think that my lady hussars would travel with skulls on their mounts.

To cover the hanging skulls, I made some boxes and bags from Fimo. I molded them around the skulls and then carefully pealed them off. After cooking, I primed and painted them.

Hinterland sells the mounted female hussars with or without horses. I ordered a unit mounted on horses and another set without horses, specifically to mount on these Death Jaws.

At the same time I was painting two units of mounted female hussars, I painted a few dismounted ones to go with them. I really like these figures. They look like women without being pornographic.

A GASLIGHT unit consists of 10 figures. This picture shows just four of them, but I have a full ten-man (or woman) unit. I can’t wait to put them on the table. They will be quite an imposing sight.

I highly recommend both the Death Jaw figure and the entire line of figures from Hinterland.