My thinking on these rules continues to evolve. It gives me something to do while running in the mornings. 🙂
In the play test we had a couple of weeks ago, I was generally pleased with the way it worked, but still thought it could be faster without any loss of accuracy. There were two areas I thought were an opportunity for improvement. The first was determining whether a body part was protected by cover, and the second was morale testing.
Recall from my previous post that when you draw a card to determine hit location, that body part may be protected by cover. I had originally envisioned that the cover would be on the back of the single chart card (4×6) that you would need for the game and that eventually player wouldn’t need to refer to it any more. I found that even toward the end of the play test, there were still questions about whether a piece of cover protected a body part. I decided that I could add that right on the chart card.
This accomplished two things. First, it put the information right on the card that you were already looking at, and second, it allowed me to have greater variance. I wanted a wall, for instance, to usually block a torso hit, but not always. You can see in the figure above that now I’ve added small icons that indicate when a piece of cover protects the body part. You still have to compare weapon penetration against cover protection as described earlier.
This figure shows all ten hit location and cover possibilities. These are repeated five times on a total of 50 cards. For cards 51 and 52, I think I am going to make body hits, but instead of the five circles used to determine which figure was hit, they will indicate the soldier with a crew-served weapon was hit. I figure folks will try to knock out the machine-gun, so this will provide a slightly higher chance of hitting it than a rifleman.
The original morale resolution process was copied from LSNC, replacing special dice with special cards. This requires you to draw a card for each morale pip accrues since you last activation. Interestingly, this process seems slower with cards than with dice, even though the information was almost identical. So, I thought about a system that requires only one card draw but takes into account the number of morale pips accrued. As it looks like math, I’m sure anyone who plays the game will complain.
An example is:
Difference = (2x # morale pips) – Guts#
If Difference > 0, then…
Let’s say a half squad had accrued three morale pips. In the formula above, Difference would be 6 – Guts#. The Guts# is 3 for green, 5 for regular, and 7 for elite — the same as the minimum movement distances for those Guts ratings. In this case, a green unit would fail, but a regular or elite unit would pass. I haven’t thought through all the implications of this change yet, and in the back of my head I think it may make shot-up units more difficult to break than fresh ones, but I’m still working on it. There are also some cases, under this new scheme in which units are guaranteed to break. That’s not what I’m looking for. Somehow, I need to compare number of pips with morale level and also take into account cover. It’s a vexing issue.