Over the three-day weekend (which was supposed to be a four day weekend, but I ended up working all day on Friday) I had some time on Saturday and Monday to work on hobby stuff. I’ve begun working on zombies for our HAWKs zombie club project, but none of them are done yet to show. What I did finish are some more space ships for War Rocket, some Sikhs, and a few Pulp figures.
Here’s a view of four War Rocket space ships. The two larger ones (Class IV) are new. These are really fun to paint.
This is a closeup of the new Galacteer Clas IV ship.
This is the new Valkeeri Class IV ship. For some reason, all my flash photos of these ships show the purple to be much lighter than they look to me in person.
Before Christmas Tin Man Miniatures had a sale on their figures, so Chris and I put in an order. I love the John Carter books. The Deja Thoris figure is so “amply proportioned” and in such as pose as to really be a parody or caricature, but this one isn’t too bad. I like the incubator and the little bits of alien terrain as well.
Getting away from fantasy, above are some Sikhs from Pulp Miniatures. You can never have too many Sikhs, can you? This pack is an army builder, so you get eight in the same pose for the same price as their normal five-pack of individual figures. Mixed with some personalities and perhaps some heavy weapons, these are going to look great on the table.
The final bit for the weekend remained in the pulp genre and from Pulp Miniatures. These are their She Wolves, Nazi women with guns. Actually one of the figures in this photo is from the first She Wolves pack. I had pulled it from the box so I could match the colors. I don’t often mix colors any more to make it easier to touch up chips and match previously painted figures. In this case, I think I did a good job of matching. Now with ten of these — a full GASLIGHT unit — I can more easily incorporate them into a game.
While it sometimes requires me to sacrifice historical accuracy, in multi-player games, I like to make each player’s figures visually distinctive. This makes it much easier to determine the owning player during a game. I might, for example, mix the She Wolves into a pulp scenario, not because I need She Wolves, but because it will be a visually distinctive German unit.
Well, back to the zombies and original Star Trek on DVD…