First Play Test of LSNC: Napoleonics

Friday night, Dave Wood, Chris Palmer, Kurt Schlegel, and Eric Schlegel came over for the first official play test of LSNC: Napoleonic Wars.  I was most interested in trying out the skirmish rules and getting some ideas on the numbers for melee, etc.  The scenario wasn’t ideal.  I put a river down the middle of the table with three crossings.  The objective was to be the side that captured two out of three bridges.  An open field battle might have been better for this initial play test.  There was some good give and take.  The basics seemed to work okay, but the numbers I had assigned for morale, etc. needed to be reworked.  The next play test is scheduled for 1 July.

Despite advice to the contrary, we went with the name Look, Sarge, No Charts: WWII for the original rules.  There were two issues with this.  First, because is said “sarge,” may people thought it was a set of rules for skirmish gaming.  Second, since the title sounded goofy, may people dismissed the rules.  For the ACW version, we made LSNC: American Civil War the subtitle.  The title is A Union So Tested, which is from a quote by Joshua Chamberlain.  We will do something similar for Napoleonics, but we haven’t hit upon the right quote yet.

Kurt will be running a LSNC: Napoleonic Wars game at Historicon, so come by and take a look.