Tuesday began with an early wakeup and reveille formation. As we were getting ready, we thought these tents were on fire, but then we realized that it was just the condensation re-evaporating in the morning sun.
People like to complain about prepared food. We live in a society of critics who have never done anything themselves but like to complain about the deeds of others. (Google the “Man in the Arena” by Teddy Roosevelt to wind your way to it on the politics and humor area off my main Web page.) I thought all the food was good. It was generally tasty, and there were almost always extras for seconds. In addition, they always had out the ingredients for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the most finicky eaters. My philosophy is that if you complain about hot meals three times a day, you just have never been hungry enough. In any event, I thought Broad Creek did a good job with the meals each day.
Tommy, Candy, and Michela “getting down” with the post-breakfast sing-along.
Tuesday morning we returned to COPE for what is almost always my favorite event of these COPE weeks: low COPE. Low COPE doesn’t have the drama of climbing the “giant’s ladder” or walking a two-rope bridge 40 feet in the air, but I think it is a much more interesting and fun experience. Much like the leadership reaction courses used by the Army for decades, low COPE involves a series of problem solving events that stretch the creativity and teamwork of the group. On Tuesday the Boy Scouts working on a merit badge were separated from the dozen or so Venturers from several crews. The combined Venture crew, calling themselves “The Super Velociraptors” after 15 seconds to come up with a name, went through the events together all morning.
The now-sentient Super Velociraptors trying to escape from the evil mad scientists lair so that they could eat all humans. The first challenge was to get across a acid lava spikey pit of doom, but only the plastic disks could touch the lava. Also, if the disk was in the lava without also touching a velociraptor, it would be incinerated and lost. After a few minutes of planning — and even a rehearsal or two — they set out on their journey.
This involved the lighter scouts riding on the backs of the heavier scouts as they slid and inched their way across the acid lava. There were 14 or 15 kids and only 6 of the protective, floating, acid-lava-resistent disks.
Throughout the exercise the kids demonstrated good communication and problem solving skills. I was quite proud of our kids.
Another event involved getting a tire off of a pole without the tire touching the pole or any of the scouts touching the pole.
A physically strenuous event involved getting all the kids up and over a wall. In the picture above the staff in the black shirts were not helping get people over the way, but were merely spotting for safety.
The scouts quickly realized that the heaviest kids needed to go over the wall in the middle of the pack, while the lighter kids needed to go toward the beginning or end. Here Maddie is pulled and pushed over the wall. Scott was so impressed with this group that he gave them another challenge: to get him over the wall, but he would be a limp body and not help at all. This involved a fair amount of risk — and no small amount of pain — on his part, but the kids came through with flying colors.
This event, called All Aboard, had an obvious solution. The rules were that in order for the teleportation pad to teleport the super velociraptors to their next challenge, each person needed to get one foot on the pad, one foot in the air, and no feet on the ground. The obvious solution involved slowly adding people in a balanced way around the pad; however, Erin came up with this unique solution, which solved the problem quickly and with little effort. Scott, the instructor, seemed pleased with the unique solution.
The final group even of the day involved passing the entire group though the tire, representing a hole in the wall. The rules to this event changed several times during execution. At first they had a pair of glasses that they could pass back and forth that enabled the wearer to touch the tire without being incinerated. After one or two people made it through, the glasses were stuck on one person’s head and could no longer be transferred. Then later, they could only talk in velociraptor language.
Again the kids did very well during this and all the other events.
On Tuesday the kids decided not to go to climbing in the afternoon again, but instead relax for a couple of hours and then head down to the waterfront to ride the big float being pulled behind a speedboat.
During the siesta, we again played some volleyball. The boys seemed oblivious to the fact that we were playing with three, pretty, teenage triplets. They were more interested in the game. Sigh.
We linked up with transportation to the waterfront about 1600. The direct route to the waterfront is not fully paved yet, and so we took a circuitous route to a public peer and then took a speedboat to the waterfront. The goal of this journey was to ride the float being pulled behind the speedboat. Unfortunately, only six people were allowed on the boat at any one time, so all the adults had to sit on the shore. The water, heated by the Peach Point nuclear power plant, was like bath water. Even if we couldn’t ride with the kids, it was relaxing to just float in the water.
Eventually both of the floats broke, coming back to shore as wilted pancakes. The aquatics director took a few of us out on the boat with a knee board. I didn’t quite get the hang of it, but he said that Sammy was the best knee board rider all Summer.
Maddie managed to get up on the knee board, but like me, she never quite got her knees fully into the divots in the board and so didn’t have a smooth or long ride.
We missed dinner because of the late events at the shore; however, they set aside plenty of turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn for the 20 or so of us who came back late. We watched the pistol range safety class while eating, because the kids were interested in shooting on Wednesday evening. Then we took some late showers and played a game of Kung Fu Fighting (a card-based game) before hitting the sack.