We had a very busy weekend, but I had a chance to wrap up a number of things that have been sitting on the painting table for several weeks. Among them were 80 or so Old Glory Second Edition ACW figures for my upcoming Historicon game. I also knocked out 20 Union infantry in frock coats. These were really fun to paint, and I think they look pretty good. The Old Glory Second Edition figures are skinnier and more anatomically correct than many wargaming figures.

This “space car” is a resin kit. My daughter picked the colors.

This is a neat one-man zeppelin. I need to mount a weapon into it and decide what gunner I want to use.

I also finished this figure of Dr. Who as depicted by John Pertwee. Growing up, Tom Baker was my favorite Dr. Who, but Simon Russell, a buddy from the UK, turned me on to John Pertwee. He has become my favorite. I really like the story arc with the Silurians.