I haven’t had much painting time this week, but I did manage to finish up five Pulp Figures that have been in my project box. Fall In is just a week a way, and I’m sure new figures will be tempting me. I’m happy to say that except for the new batch of 10mm Napoleonic figures that recently arrived in the mail, my unpainted lead collection has become quite small.
It may be difficult to see, but I tried to paint an argyle sweater on the figure on the left.
These two characters couldn’t be more different. One is a rough and ready adventurer enjoying a cup of coffee before engaging with head hunters or something, and the other is a “gentleman adventurer.”
This last figure was in the project box near these other fellows. I think he might have been a free figure when you subscribed to Wargames Illustrated. I let my subscription lapse when I was deployed and haven’t renewed, but I still had this figure waiting for paint. There wasn’t much to this figure really, but it’s out of the unpainted pile.
Tonight we’ll be play testing the WWII skirmish game again with the HAWKs. I’ll try to post some pictures tomorrow.