Bronze Age Green Martians

Bronze Age Miniatures Green Martian on Beast
Bronze Age Miniatures Green Martian on Beast

Bronze Age Miniatures makes figures that are perfect as Green Martians from Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter books.  They are called swamp mutants or something like that.  In this picture, this mounted figure is facing off against two conversions that Chris Palmer made from plastic British colonial figures.

Five of the Green Martians
Five of the Green Martians

Here are five of 10 poses.  Note the figures have four arms and lots of weapons.  The rifles are particularly Pulp sci fi looking to me.

The other five poses
The other five poses

These are the remaining five poses.  The figures seemed to have a lot of mold release and didn’t take to super glue well at first.

John Carter protects Deja Thoris from three Green Martians
John Carter protects Deja Thoris from three Green Martians

For scale, the John Carter and Deja Thoris figures are full 28mm figures.