HAWKs Night Play Test of Vittoria

Close up of Subijana de Alava
Close up of Subijana de Alava

I missed this Friday’s game night, because I was chaperoning an end-of-the-school-year part for 20+ teenagers (which by the way went very well and was uneventful).  While I was listening to teeny bopper music and watching the teens devour food, Duncan and Dave were play testing their Vittoria scenario for Historicon.  These are pictures of the game taken by Duncan and posted to our closed club newsgroup.

Hill's Division in Subijana de Alava
Hill's Division in Subijana de Alava

We’ve determined over the past couple of years that the HAWKs are not necessarily good barometers for convention games.  We tend to be more aggressive than the average convention game participants and often do things the GM did not expect.

French Counter Attack on the 4th Division
French Counter Attack on the 4th Division

Chris told me that Friday was no exception.  The French were supposed to be defending a ridge to keep the British away from the town.  In HAWKs fashion, Eric suggested that an attack down hill against the Brits would move the fight farther from the town and guarantee the Brits couldn’t get to the town before the scenario ended.

Picton and the Light Division
Picton and the Light Division

According to Chris, the plan worked.  The Brits didn’t reach the town; although, the French were decimated by the end of the game.  Duncan is reportedly looking to provide the Brits additional reinforcements on one of the flanks if the French do this during the convention game.

Battle line looking South at Vittoria
Battle line looking South at Vittoria

Dave and Duncan have put in a lot of time painting Brits and researching the scenario.  Duncan’s output of Brits has been impressive.  The game looks great.