We’re just about done with The GASLIGHT Compendium. This weekend, we staged our final photo shoots. Below are some pictures from Day 1 at Warhorse Farm, Gettysburg, PA.

We shot a variety of pictures, including ACW, generic Victorian adventuress, and pulp. Warhorse Farm was an ideal location, despite the time of year, because of the woods, large rocks, and hand-built split rail fence.

The weather was hovering just over 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so our model liked the wool ACW uniforms.

We had to get our model to stop smiling, since we didn’t want it to look like our Victorian Heroine ENJOYED killing bad guys. Then we needed her to smile, so Sam demonstrated his Heisman Trophy pose.

The crew all had a good time with this shoot.

This is a picture of Chris (right) and me (left) with our model (center).
We plan to use these photos in The Compendium and also in promotional materials.